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17-21/10/2016 - C-CASCADES Training Workshop 3 (Switzerland)

The main objective of this C-CASCADES Training Workshop is to achieve a better quantitative understanding of CO2 and CH4 evasion fluxes from inland waters and the ocean. It will also provide participants with an understanding of the physical basis of the gas exchange coefficient at the wateratmosphere interface, and of ecosystem metabolism as a critical driver of the aquatic carbon cycle.

The workshop will take place between 17-21/10/2016 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Training will be embedded to make a breakthrough in understanding gas exchange at the local, regional and global scale. A field excursion will provide wider context on monitoring gas exchange and contextual parameters in Alpine streams.

This training workshop will have morning lectures, delivered by carbon cycle experts from inside and outside the C-CASCADES network, followed by discussions led by network senior scientists.

Participants will develop their own questions on caveats and pitfalls related to gas exchange and its scaling, which they will discuss with experts and the network senior scientists. The afternoons will be dedicated to computer practical training where participants will model and compute gas exchange.

Participants will write a critical synthesis report after this workshop which will reflect the discussions, including the roundtable, the expert lectures and the papers to be read prior to the workshop.

If you wish to register for this event, please send an email (including a CV and a motivation letter for non-C-CASCADES students), before 10 September 2016.

Read more at the attached file.

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