We are seeking 15 skilled candidates for PhD positions across Europe in supercontinuum light sources and applications. The candidates should have a background in physics and interest in nonlinear optics, fibre optics and waveguides, and laser physics.
SUPUVIR (SUPercontinuum broadband light sources covering UV to IR applications) is a new Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the European H2020 programme. SUPUVIR will focus on so-called supercontinuum laser sources, which essentially are laser sources emitting coherent laser light that is broadband enough to be considered white.
The PhD students will be given extensive knowledge in silica and soft-glass chemistry, preform design and fibre drawing, linear and nonlinear fibre and waveguide characterization, nonlinear fibre optics, supercontinuum modelling, supercontinuum system design, patent protection, and in-depth knowledge of a broad range of the main applications of supercontinuum high-power broadband light sources.
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