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PhD & Postdoctoral Positions, Geo.X Research School, Germany (2017)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Οκτώβριος 31, 2016

The Geo.X open call creates a cohort of junior researchers pursue research together in an interdisciplinary context. The overlap between the methodological field of Data Science and the geoscientific research topics Natural Hazards and Risks and Geo-Bio-Interactions is the focus of this first call. This interdisciplinary focus covers two of the four Geo.X research topics and bridges the gap to other scientific disciplines.

Geo.X will train a new generation of interdisciplinary scientists with skills in mathematics, computer sciences, geosciences, and other related disciplines. They focus on geoscientific challenges tackled by data science as a methodological core of all open positions. Such data science methods are ubiquitous in geoscientific research, whether data is measured by scientists, created by models, or collected by citizens. By combining such data in interdisciplinary projects as intended in Geo.X, geoscience will improve insight into the system Earth and its relation to human habitat.

- Applicants (PhD candidates) should have a MSc degree or equivalent at the time of appointment in at least one of the following fields as well as a strong affinity with interdisciplinary research: Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Social Sciences, or related fields;
- Applicants (Postdocs) must hold a PhD degree in one of the above fields and show strong interdisciplinary skills and independent research experience;
- If your native language is neither English nor German, you must submit a proof of your English language proficiency. This is not required if you have attended a school, university or college where English is the language of instruction.

The salary is determined by the collective bargaining agreement for public employees in Germany (TVöD). The three-year PhD positions are according to EG-13 (65 %), the two-year postdoc position EG-13 (100%).

Further details:

Επίπεδο Εκπαίδευσης Υποτροφιών: 
Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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