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World Food Day Poster Contest, 2016

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Παρασκευή, Σεπτέμβριος 30, 2016

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is currently inviting applicants for its World Food Day Poster Contest. The World Food Day Poster Contest calls on children and teens from 5-19 to use their imaginations and express their ideas on the World Food Day theme: “Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too.”

- Children and youth between the ages of 5 and 19, living anywhere in the world;
- Minors must have the permission of their parents or legal guardians to participate in the Contest;
- FAO employees and their immediate family members (spouses, parents, children, siblings and their respective spouses, regardless of where they live) or persons living in the same households of such employees, whether or not related, are not eligible to enter the contests;
- Partners or relations of partner staff of the institutions involved in the launch of contests, and relations of the judging committee are not eligible to compete.

- Three winning poster designs will be selected by a jury in each category;
- The top three poster designs in all three categories will be announced on the World Food Day website during the official celebration of World Food Day in Rome, 14 October 2016;
- Winners will also be promoted on FAO social media and by FAO offices around the world;
- Winners will also receive a Certificate of Recognition and a surprise gift bag;
- In the event that any of the selected winner(s) of any prize is/are ineligible in accordance with these Contest rules and/or the General Rules, Copyright and Privacy, cannot be traced, or refuses the prize, the prize will be forfeited and it will be in the sole discretion of FAO to choose whether to award the prize to another eligible entry;
- When winning posters are published, only the first initial, full family name and country of origin will be published. No other personal information about the Contestants will be published or shared.

Further details:


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