EDGE is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND Action, led by Trinity College Dublin on behalf of 10 Irish academic institutions of excellence. EDGE will award 24 and 36 month Fellowships to 71 high-calibre post-doctoral researchers, who will relocate to Ireland to join expert supervisors in the ICT and Materials field. Fellows will work on a research project of their own design, and are invited to submit proposals to work under one of the supervisors listed on our website, www.edge-research.eu.
EDGE Fellowships are for experienced researchers from any country. EDGE aims to form the next generation of thought leaders in ICT research, and promote engagement with industry - all the top 10 ICT companies are present in Ireland. Skills training and career development are integral to the programme.
All the supervisors are affiliated with at least one of three Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centres: ADAPT, CONNECT and AMBER. The Fellowship will be hosted by the Supervisor’s institute.
Researchers with a PhD (or at least 4 years of equivalent research experience) can apply by submitting a research proposal before 1st December 2016 (Call 1), after reviewing the information and proposal templates on our website.
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