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Andreu World International Design Contest, 2016

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Παρασκευή, Νοέμβριος 25, 2016


Andreu World has recently launched their 16th annual International furniture Design Contest and registration is currently open for 2016. The competition is open to both design students and to professionals, without an age limit. Participants are invited to submit new designs for a wooden chair and/or table.

- Seating: The main material used shall be Beech wood, Oak wood or Walnut. Chairs may be upholstered to a greater or lesser extent, if considered appropriate and veneered board or plywood;
- Tables: The main material used shall be Beech wood, Oak wood or Walnut. Tables may be veneered board or plywood. The use of other materials such as metals, plastics, glass, etc. is allowed when complementary, structural or incidental to the above.


Design students and professionals without age limit with your idea should consist of the following
- Possible innovative features related to design, quality, technology, production processes, etc. and in general anything that adds value to the presented project;
- Possible adaptation to the product philosophy of Andreu World, S.A;
- Production costs and/or recovery;
- Functionality: fulfillment of the functions for which it has been designed;
- All-round simple and viable mass production possibilities;
- Possible versatility and suitability for development in occasional pieces such as stools, easy chairs, sofas, etc. in the case of chairs, and of different sizes and heights in the case of tables;
- Suitability to numerous ambiances and uses such as the home, contract work, etc.

- The best design for 2016 will be awarded with Euros 3,000;
- The second best, with Euros 1,000;
- A maximum of four (4) non-monetary prizes special mentions will also be announced.

Further details:


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