The International Compost Awareness Week Committee invites you to get involved in ICAW 2017 and participate in the 15th Annual Poster Contest. This year the competition theme is: Compost! Healthy Soil, Healthy Food.
International Compost Awareness Week is an annual multi-media publicity and education campaign that showcases composting and compost products, from backyards to large-scale composting facilities.
The poster contest winner will have his/her poster reproduced and distributed to thousands nationwide. It will be the official 2017 International Compost Awareness Week poster and featured on the CCREF website as well as on the US Composting Council website too. The winning “poster artist” will have his/her name posted on the CCREF website and will be included on all print material and in any press releases in association with the annual ICAW celebration.
The International Compost Awareness Week Committee invite municipal, facility or state agency representatives and industry professionals to join in the fun, along with students, youth groups, commercial composters, green industry businesses, gardeners, environmentalists. Whether or not you have celebrated or been involved in ICAW in the past, participate this year!
- The successful poster winner will receive a USD 500 prize;
- The three contest divisions are: grades 3-7, grades 8-12, and college – adult.
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