“Follow the Yellow Brick Road - Journey through the Land of Oz” is an innovative 7-day Erasmus+ training course for youth workers, trainers and youth leaders raising the question most of us face nowadays – how can we in today’s economy create satisfying reality for us and choose the right career path? In our training course we will look for “the element” - having an experience that allows you to reflect on why you do what you do in work in order to enable young people you are working with to do the same.
“Follow the Yellow Brick Road” takes its name from the movie "The Wizard of Oz". We chose this name because it is perfectly related to the topic of challenge, change, journey and transformation and that's what the training course is going to be about. The programme involves theoretical inputs and practical workshops, discussions, group processes and individual work. A substantial part of the programme will take place outdoors in nature.
The training course will take place in Sermugnano, a small village in central Italy, from the 14th to the 21st of January 2017. It will involve 24 participants from 12 EU countries: Italy, Portugal, Romania, Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Hungary and Greece.
Further details:
Training Course: "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" (Italy)