The Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies (SCEUS) was established in 2005 as an interdisciplinary Centre at the University of Salzburg. Research and teaching at the Centre focus on the dynamics of European integration from legal, political science, economic and related disciplines’ perspectives. Since 2008, SCEUS has run a doctoral college, comprising doctoral students from various countries and disciplines, and financed by the Swiss Humer Foundation. Owing to the good faculty/researcher ratio, the Centre provides excellent research facilities and a supportive environment. Students enjoy close supervision by professors of the University of Salzburg and invited international scholars, and will spend one semester at a foreign university or research institution with special expertise in their field. You can find more information on the Centre at
• Master's degree in the respective discipline. The degree has to be completed by no later than 30 September 2017.
• Nationality is not a criterion, internationality an asset.
• Fluency in English (working language of the doctoral college is English).
• Good skills in social science or legal methods and willingness to engage in further method training.
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