One of the key challenges in designing new generations of HPC systems that can keep up with the ever-growing data volumes, is that current technological trends prevent large amounts of data to be transferred at acceptable power dissipation costs. Reducing expensive data transfers by 'bringing computation closer to the data', also known as near-memory computing, has emerged as a very promising solution to address this scaling issue in HPC systems in order to realize the Exascale computing systems that are required for handling future (Big-data) workloads. Near-memory computing, however, is still in its infancy, and many challenges have to be addressed before it can be established as an integral component of HPC systems.
NeMeCo is an ambitious Marie Sk³odowska-Curie European Industrial Doctorates (EID) Innovative Training Network (ITN) programme, which takes up several of the above challenges. NeMeCo involves a three-partner network comprising the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, IBM Research GmbH in Switzerland, and the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, ASTRON. These partners provide a unique combination of academic and industrial expertise of Big-data applications, compilers, memory and processor technology, and high-performance computer architecture. NeMeCo offers early stage researchers (ESRs) an excellent multidisciplinary training program at the cross roads of hardware and software design, where complex trade-offs have to be made between performance, programmability and energy efficiency. A board of 8 experienced supervisors will work together across disciplines and sectors to train and mentor the ESRs who will have access to superb research facilities at all locations.
A total of three individual PhD projects are available
ESR1: Run-time optimization
ESR2: Compiler technology
ESR3: Near-memory processor design
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