The Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE) is one of ETH Zurich's youngest departments and the only one located in Basel outside of the Zurich campus. It unites biologists, engineers, computer scientists, and mathematicians to work towards a quantitative understanding and purposeful engineering of complex biological systems. Karsten Borgwardt’s Lab at the D-BSSE in Basel has openings for
Postdoctoral positions in Machine Learning and Bioinformatics
The Lab of Prof. Borgwardt is interested in the development and application of machine learning and data mining algorithms data analysis in biology and medicine. Biological topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Genome-wide association studies, phenotype prediction from molecular data and health records, analysing patient trajectories, biological network analysis, functional annotation of sequence variants, bioimaging, Machine learning topics include, but are not limited to: pattern mining, kernel methods, graph kernels and learning on graphs, multiple testing correction in ultra-high-dimensional spaces, feature selection in structured spaces, deep learning and causal inference. Alumni of the lab now hold positions which reach from faculty positions in mathematics to faculty positions in bioinformatics, which reflects the spectrum of research activities in the lab. The lab is supported by the Krupp Award for Young Professors 2013 and a Starting Grant from the ERC backup scheme of the SNSF.
Applicants should be highly motivated and creative, show an exceptional track record, and hold a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, or related fields, and be interested in working in an interdisciplinary environment at the interface of Machine Learning and Biomedicine, in particular, in algorithm development for large-scale data analysis problems in biology and medicine. Both positions for postdocs who just obtained their Ph.D. degree and for experienced researchers with several years of postdoctoral experience are available. These positions offer the opportunity to gain leadership and supervision experience in joint projects with younger scientists.
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