The 29th version of Event Wise brings the attention to Educators, Trainers & Youth Workers in order to support their parallel process into guiding people’s learning. Being an educator working on personal development is interlinked on your own competences development, it is a parallel process. Your personal concepts about non-formal education are influencing the working methods that you use as youth leader, for instance. Enlarging your perspective in non-formal education also enlarges your possibilities as an educator.
Event Wise is a safe space where you can experience, play and grow. It will empower you to challenge your own resourcefulness and ability to create desired results, and thus have a positive impact on your self-confidence. It will help you stand up for yourself with integrity in a social context and increase your ability to deal with demanding situations. Event Wise is a dynamic personal development training that equips you with tools and techniques that increase your abilities to achieve personal and professional success while enjoying life. Moreover, it will empower you to master the events that are occurring in your life, to enhance your competences – you will be able to choose how to react to what happens to you and navigate change to your benefit.
The Event Wise training consists of 7 full working days, and it takes place in and around the premises of the Olde Vechte Foundation in Ommen, The Netherlands. There are indoor and outdoor training sessions. Some of the exercises are accompanied by music, game and play.