LabexMER “a changing ocean" is a consortium of French Universities and Institutions who decided to combine their research capacities to tackle fundamental issues related to our understanding of ocean functioning in the context of climate change. Further information about LabexMER and universities involved can be found on:
The brightest young scientists are also the most creative. They are able to conceive and carry out independent research. The LabexMER partners have created a new post-doctoral program, inspired by successful similar programs such as the U.S. NOAA Climate Change and Global Change postdoctoral program or WHOI postdoctoral fellowship. It allows young scientists to propose their own research project in marine sciences to be carried out in one or several LabexMER laboratories and within one or more LabexMER research axes : (1) The ocean engine at very high resolution, (2) Complexity and efficiency of the biological pump, (3) Geobiological interactions in extreme environments, (4) Sediment transfers: source to sink and mud to mantle, (5) Dynamics and vulnerability of coastal zones, (6) Evolution of marine habitats and adaptation of populations, (7) Sea motions and interactions with marine structures, (8) Marine Social-Ecological System Management.
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