VID Specialized University has up to three vacant PhD positions on the following thematic field: «Welfare as an arena for value- and faith-based civil society actors: Agency, interaction and innovation in local communities».
The thematic field is described thus:
VID Specialized University wants to strengthen its interdisciplinary expertise in the field of civil society research by inviting proposals for three PhD scholarships in this area. Already now, several project and research groups at and across VID’s three faculties, the Faculty of Health Studies, the Faculty of Social Studies and the Faculty of Theology, Diakonia and Leadership Studies, and VID’s two research centres, the Centre of Diakonia and Professional Practice and the Centre of Mission and Global Studies, are working on civil society and its potential for developing health care, welfare and religious services. In its education and research, VID focuses on civil society actors in general and diaconal actors in particular by studying these organisations as promoters and innovators of welfare and cohesion in society and in local communities. VID has an ambition to tie its research closely to its study programs. Proposals for PhD projects are therefore expected to be relevant for the study programmes, make clear how they relate their research to practice and include a dissemination strategy.
The research and project groups at VID have identified six fields where more research about civil society is needed (learn more about the fields by clicking on the links attached to each project/field).
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