The EU-funded H2020-Marie Sklodowska Curie Action – Innovative Training Network (H2020-MSCA-ITN) EN-ACTI2NG (grant agreement 721358), with partners in the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Spain, is looking for 10 PhD candidates to work on projects aimed at improving T cell mediated immuno-therapy against cancer by the identification and development of new cancer-specific immune receptors (CARs and TCRs) and enhancing their function by identifying and modifying their molecular mechanism of action. Individual research projects (see hyperlinks below) for the students range from biophysical and microscopic analysis of immune receptors, via molecular modification of their structure and testing their tumor killing capacity in vitro and in vivo to development of microfluidic devices that provide new means of analysis and selection of immune receptor-bearing cells. Each student will have the unique opportunity to experience these complementary approaches within specific secondments in research laboratories, clinics and companies. Extensive training in research-specific skills, career development and a continuous training in communication skills will help the students to become facilitators of transformation of scientific innovation into products with social and economic value.
Qualifications and skills:
We are looking for enthusiastic post-graduate/master students, who either have finished or will finish their master or equivalent degree by Fall 2017, with a background in biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, chemistry, engineering, microfluidics or related fields with a good command of English. Students (f/m) from all nationalities can apply but should fulfill certain criteria stipulated by the MSCA-ITN program. See the network’s website ( for more details on the research project and training program as well as the application procedure and requirements.
Further details: