The University of Padova is seeking outstanding researchers wishing to apply to the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship program with the University of Padova as Host Institution.
Top candidates for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship at the University of Padova will have the possibility to participate to the MSCA MaRaThoN@ at the University of Padova, a new training programme funded by our University that offers researchers tips on how to write a successful proposal for the next Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships call. Deadline to apply for MSCA MaRaThoN is April 20th at 1.00 p.m. Italian time.
MSCA Marathon is organized at the University of Padova by the International Research Office and it offers the possibility to MSCA-IF top candidates to receive training in writing a successful proposal for the next MSCA-IF call with the University of Padova as Host Institution.
During the training programme researchers will get information about the MSCA-IF-2017 call and tips on drafting a successful proposal. Furthermore, candidates will have the possibility to meet potential supervisors, visit laboratories and facilities of the University of Padova and to discuss with MSCA fellows.
20 candidates will be selected by the University of Padova and will receive funding for their travel. Other 10 candidates will be admitted to the programme at their own expenses.
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