Three Doctoral (PhD) student positions in physics (quantum transport, nanothermodynamics and nanoelectronics) as well as several other postdoc and PhD student positions
The Centre for Nanoscience at Lund University (NanoLund) engages about 250 scientists in the materials science of semiconductor nanostructures, and their application in physics, chemistry, electronics and the life sciences at Lund University. Our research is enabled by Lund Nano Lab, a key facility for fabrication of material and devices on the nanoscale. We are also heavily involved in the undergraduate education, especially within the “Engineering Nanoscience” program. For more information, see
NanoLund has a world-leading position in developing advanced devices based on group III-V semiconductor nanowires. We now announce three experimental PhD projects that will be embedded into a major focus to develop novel devices and concepts for efficient energy conversion (e.g. light-to-electricity, heat-to-electricity, or electricity-to-light), by employing phenomena at the nanoscale, such as quantum phenomena, photonic or plasmonic effects, or the thermodynamics of very small systems. This research thrust is currently financed by grants from the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Research Council, and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
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