We are pleased to announce the FMI International PhD Program Spring Call 2017.
Affiliated with the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research and as an affiliated institute of the University of Basel, the FMI is situated at the interface of academic research and biomedical application. FMI students and postdoctoral fellows are not only exposed to the latest in molecular and genetic approaches, but a re constantly encouraged to examine the biomedical application of their discoveries.
The FMI International PhD Program provides advanced, interdisciplinary training in Epigenetics, Neurobiology and Quantitative Biology. PhD students admitted to the program pursue a research project under the guidance of an FMI group leader. Students receive theoretical and practical training at both the FMI and the University of Basel, and the life science community in Basel and Zurich provides exceptional opportunities for further scientific interactions and local participation in conferences and meetings.
The FMI has excellent technical resources. PhD students learn highly advanced techniques from specialists and are introduced into experimental analysis at multiple levels of biological organization.
Selected candidates receive fellowships with social benefits and are awarded with funds to participate in scientific meetings or for the acquisition of a laptop.
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