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United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Fellowship Programme, U.S.A. (2017)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Μάιος 21, 2017

The UNAOC Fellowship Programme was created recognizing the need to build bridges between cultures and societies through dialogue and cooperation and to reinforce the political will and collective commitment to live together by strengthening mutual awareness and respect.

The programme aims to challenge cultural stereotypes and develop cross-cultural partnerships between peoples from different faiths and cultures. During two weeks, candidates will visit each other’s region and interact with a wide range of local actors and partners. In 2017, the Fellowship Programme will focus on the role of civil society and the media in combatting hatred and fostering inclusion.

- Citizens from U.S., Canada, or a country member of the Council of Europe plus Belarus (EUNA) and from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA),
- Be born between 1st January 1982 and 31st December 1992,
- Be available to travel for a period of 18 days in October or November 2017 as scheduled by the programme,
- EUNA candidates should have a passport valid at least 6 months beyond October 2017 (1st May 2018 and beyond),
- MENA candidates should have a passport valid at least 9 months beyond October 2016 (July 2017 and beyond),
- Working directly with civil society and/or the media and able to present professional achievements in that field,
- Fluent in English.

How to apply
- complete the Fellowship Application in English
- answer accurately all the requested information and questions in the form
- make sure to attach all the documents required
- do not attach anything else but the documents required

Further details:

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