The final conference related to the dissemination of the Marie Curie project “Greek Studies in 15th century Europe” will take place at the Auditorium Santa Margherita, Venice, on 26th May 2017, from 9.00 a.m. to 18.30 p.m.
DURING THE MORNING (9.00 – 13.00) students and teachers of the schools involved will present their works on the topic: “Grammatiche, lessici e latinizzazioni nell’apprendimento del Greco tra xv e xvi secolo in Italia e in Europa” (Liceo Marco Polo, Venice; Liceo XXV Aprile, Portogruaro; Liceo Montale, S. Donà di Piave)
A discussion will follow, with Caterina Carpinato (Università Ca’ Foscari), Federica Ciccolella (Texas and AM University), Martin McLaughlin (University of Oxford), Antonio Rollo (Università degli Studi l’Orientale di Napoli) and Paola Tomè (University of Oxford).
THE AFTERNOON (14.15-18.30) will be devoted to the conference, opened to all academics, teachers and people interested in.
Αναλυτικά το πρόγραμμα του Συνεδρίου: Η μελέτη της ελληνικής στην Ευρώπη του 15ου αιώνα