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4 PhD Scholarships,Technical University of Denmark, Denmark (2017)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Ιούνιος 15, 2017

The four positions are:
1.Analysis of optical- and Gamma-ray flashes observed by ASIM and LIS on the International Space Station
The objective is to understand the electric discharge processes that generate Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes and to determine if TGFs are associated with an optical signature in lightning detection cameras deployed and planned for geostationary monitoring satellites (GOES-R and MTG). Data are interpreted with optical and X-ray observations in High-Voltage laboratory experiments in collaboration with other Ph.D. students in the SAINT project. The successful candidate is supposed to visit partner institutes and companies in Europe and America for a total period of seven months related to the project.

2.Analysis of Lightning and TLEs observed by ASIM and LIS on the International Space Station
The objective is to identify the signatures of TLEs in ASIM data, to characterize their spectral and temporal properties and global distribution, and to determine the leader-streamer nature of Jets and Gigantic Jets. Analysis with simultaneous LIS data will give inputs to the design of L2 algorithms for the lightning imaging camera planned for geostationary monitoring satellite MTG and to plasma chemistry models developed by other Ph.D. students in the SAINT project. The successful candidate is supposed to visit partner institutes and companies in Europe and America for a total period of seven months related to the project.

3.Modelling of lightning attachment to moving structures
The objective is to understand how lightning is stimulated by moving structures such as wind turbine blades. The project will adapt existing numerical codes to simulate streamer development in the environment of wings by approximating effects of realistic blade materials, neutral atmosphere turbulence and space charge clouds around the blades. The simulation model and interpretation of results will be done in collaboration with other Ph.D. students in the SAINT project. The successful candidate is supposed to visit partner institutes and companies in Europe for a total period of six months related to the project.

4.Analysis of space and ground observations of thunderstorms
The objective is to understand the important thunderstorm processes that lead to the generation of Sprites, Jets and Gigantic Jets. The project will maintain and run the optical instruments in Southern Europe fielded by DTU Space and will analyse the data together with 3D lightning measurements from facilities in the Ebro Valley and on Corsica. The instruments will be run in collaboration with the SAINT Ph.D. students during the two summer campaigns of the SAINT network. Simultaneous observations with ISS overflight will have high priority. The successful candidate is supposed to have a research stay related to the project outside of Denmark for a period between three and six months.

Further details:

Επίπεδο Εκπαίδευσης Υποτροφιών: 
Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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