VID Specialized University has up to three vacant PhD positions with focus on education research, relevant for VID’s study programmes in health and social studies, leadership studies, diakonia and theology.
VID Specialized University wants to strengthen the research at VID related to education and learning within VID’s areas of expertise. VID has an ambition to be a considerable and unique actor in the education field, anchored in diaconal and ecclesiastical traditions. In accordance with this ambition, VID has expressed as its vision to educate “next generation professionals” who hold a strong awareness of values.
All VID’s study programmes aim to equip candidates with a high level of awareness of values and ability for professional assessment and critical reflection. But what does this mean in a society undergoing major changes where values are challenged? What does this mean in the context of increased focus on technology, cost benefit thinking and standardization in the health and welfare sector? What does this mean in light of increased diversity and pluralism in communities, and increasing inequality nationally and globally?
We welcome project applications exploring themes related to value aspects and formation processes in professional studies.
Possible topics for the phd projects:
How to equip professionals with competence in:
- Realizing ethical ideals in practice
- Reflecting over and handling dilemmas and conflicts of values
- Making sound judgements and discernments
- Handling power and responsibility in challenging relations and systems/structures
- Meeting people with different religious beliefs, worldviews and needs
How to educate professionals vis-a-vis challenges related to:
- Increasing cultural and religious diversity
- Use of new technology in health and welfare services
- Discernments in face of increased standardization
- Increasing percentage of elderly with health and welfare needs
- Social inequalities
The relationship between education culture/values and student (youth) culture/value
The relationship between the professional study programme in theology and challenges related to the church’s changed role in society, including decreasing attendance
We are primarily asking for empirical projects, but projects that are more theoretical might be considered. The project description is expected to account and argument for methodical choices and theoretical angles, including perspectives from learning theories.
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