EMerald is a two-year master program designed to focus on the following major aspects of georesources engineering: characterisation, processing and modelling. It is organised into four semesters and accounts for a total of 120 ECTS, or 30 ECTS per semester. The academic year starts in September with the first semester in Liège, Belgium, the second semester in Nancy, France, the third semester in Luleå, Sweden, and the fourth semester at one of the four partner-Universities.
This two-year master program integrates knowledge of mineral/metal resources and modern engineering technologies. It is delivered entirely in English and is designed to educate a new generation of young professionals. Liège offers leveling courses to all incoming students and is in charge of teaching basic courses in Ore Geology, Geostatistics, Mineral Processing and Recycling. A levelling course in numerical methods is also offered to the students who need it. The characterization tools and their uses are introduced in a Process Mineralogy course. Nancy goes a step further in the fields of Orebody modeling and Ore reserve estimation. At the same time, students are trained in the field of surface chemistry and experiment with their first pilot-scale plant project. In Luleå, students deepen their knowledge of mining geology and mineral processing. They get acquainted with the modelling of unit operations and get unique opportunities for field trips and plant visits. During the last semester, EMerald students will join one of the four partner universities to work on a subject suggested by an industrial partner of the program. This master thesis project is the opportunity for the students to develop a close collaboration with an industrial partner.
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