The University of Padova (Italy) is pleased to inform that the call for 1 PhD position has been announced in the framework of the ERC-funded project:
"PREWArAs - The Dark Side of the Belle Époque. Political Violence and Armed Associations in Europe before the First World War"
The Principal Investigator of the project is Matteo Millan, associate professor of Contemporary History at the University of Padova. The project - based at the Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World - consists in a comparative historical research on various armed associations and
forms of political violence in Europe from the 1890s to 1914.
The available PhD studentship position is dedicated to the topic
"Political violence and Armed Associations in pre-WWI Europe (ca. 1880 – 1914). The case of Spain and Portugal". It is addressed to candidates holding a Master Degree or equivalent qualification.
Applicants are expected to highlight the skills and competences they possess, which should be related to the proposed priority research topic. They should also have a good command of English and at least written comprehension skills in Spanish and Portoguese.
The research project proposal should be consistent with the topic defined for the priority research grant.
Application deadline is at 1:00 p.m. on June 30th 2017.
Any further clarification requests can be addressed to: