Doctoral education in structured Ph.D. programs has become an essential part of the qualification process of young academics in Europe and Germany. High-quality standards regarding the selection and hosting of doctoral students, as well as an international research environment, create unique perspectives, particularly for foreign applicants.
The Graduate School of the “Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures” at the University of Hamburg invites applications for Ph.D. Scholarships, 3-4 year scholarships within the Graduate School Scholarship Programme of the German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD starting April 1st, 2018.
The CSMC is a unique research center for the historical and comparative study of manuscript cultures in Asia, Africa, and Europe, building on decades of manuscript studies at the University of Hamburg. It was established in 2011 with a generous grant from the German Research Association (DFG) in order to develop a comprehensive approach to manuscript cultures including disciplines such as philology, paleography, codicology, art history, and material analysis. Communication in the international research community of the Centre is conducted in English, and dissertations should be written in English or German.
Highly qualified and highly motivated Ph.D. students with an M.A. or equivalent degree in all disciplines studying manuscript cultures regardless of the region is wanted.
The list of all graduate programs that were selected by DAAD in 2016 to nominate and host international graduate students with Ph.D. Scholarships for 2017 and 2018 can be found here.
The list contains the program names and short links to the websites of the selected graduate programs. Applications must be sent directly to the graduate school (for details see the attached list).
The DAAD Ph.D. Scholarships in this program comprises funding for up to three years, or in a few exceptional cases up to four years.
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