The Clark offers between ten and sixteen Clark Fellowships each year, ranging in duration from one to ten months. National and international scholars, critics, and museum professionals are welcome to propose projects that extend and enhance the understanding of the visual arts and their role in culture.
Fellows may come to the Clark for any period between one and ten months. Between six and eight Fellows are in residence at any one time.
Applicants should:
- Hold a Ph.D. or demonstrate equivalent professional experience;
- Come from the academic or museum worlds, or from other professional backgrounds;
- May be residents of any country;
- May be employed, full- or part-time;
- Be independent historians, curators, and/or critics.
It is expected that all Fellows be in good standing with the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service and have authorization [a J-1 Visa] from the INS that permits a Fellow to engage in the activities for which he or she has been designated a Clark Fellow. In applicable circumstances, the Clark can facilitate this standing by providing Fellows with the documents required to initiate the authorization process.
Further details: