The Institute of Biophysics at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU Linz), Austria, announces an immediate opening for 2 PhD Positions on High Speed and Molecular Recognition Microscopy. The contract will be embedded in the project Molecular Recognition of Antibodies studies with high Speed AFM funded by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF). PI in this research project is Prof. Peter Hinterdorfer. Another 2 PhD Positions on DNA Nanotechnology and Atomic Force Microscopy are immediately open as well. The contract of the latter opening will be embedded in the project Biomolecular recognition and selective transport within nanoscale confined space funded by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF). PIs in this collaborative research project are Prof. Stefan Howorka (DNA Origami) and Prof. Peter Hinterdorfer (Atomic Force Microscopy).
Requirements for the first project
Degree and Master on any field of Biophysics, Physics, Biology or Biochemistry (completed before the contract starting date); Multidisciplinary qualifications (Physics/Bio); Knowledge of Atomic Force Microscopy, specifically Force Spectroscopy and High Speed Atomic Force microscopy will be a plus.
Requirements for the second project
Degree and Master on any field of Physics, Biophysics or Engineering (PhD 1), or Chemistry or Biochemistry (PhD 2) (completed before the contract starting date); Multidisciplinary qualifications (Physics/Bio, Engineering/Bio etc.); Knowledge of Atomic Force Microscopy (PhD 1) or DNA Nanotechnology (PhD 2) will be a plus.
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