Ημερομηνίες Διεξαγωγής: 19-28 Οκτωβρίου 2017
Συμμετέχοντες: 4 νέοι 19-26 ετών και ένας αρχηγός ομάδας χωρίς ηλικιακό όριο (18+)
Μέρος: Hiiumaa, Estonia
The main aim of this Youth Exchange is to create a platform where participants can discover their potential as entrepreneurs and get motivated to build up a career of their imagination.
The project intends to fight with youth unemployment and empower the youth that have obtained an education and are still unemployed; those that have left school early; and youngsters that have a background of experiencing social, economical or geographical obstacles.
The Youth Exchange will be very practical and include a good amount of mututal sharing - all ideas, personal stories, attitudes, techniques and tools will be welcomed to explore Entrepreneurship as a way to prosperous career; and to figure out ways to decrease youth unemployment in participants’ origin countries.
Καλύπτεται το 100% του κόστους διαμονής και διατροφής και μέχρι 360 ευρώ ταξιδιωτικών εξόδων.
Κόστος συμμετοχής: 40 ευρώ