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5 Yerby Postdoctoral Fellowships, Harvard University, U.S.A. (2018)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Νοέμβριος 13, 2017

The goal of the Yerby Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is to increase the diversity of young scholars entering academic public health and to provide critical support in launching their careers as successful faculty members. Under the guidance of a senior Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health faculty member with compatible interests, fellows develop their research agendas, gain experience in publishing papers in peer-reviewed journals and obtaining grant support, participate in a variety of professional development workshops, and increase their teaching expertise.

Yerby fellows receive a competitive salary with benefits for one year, renewable for a second year. Up to five new fellowships are awarded annually.

Fellowship training is available throughout the broad range of the school’s activities—laboratory sciences, population sciences, and social and policy sciences. Fellows have a home within one of the school’s nine academic departments:

- Biostatistics
- Environmental Health
- Epidemiology
- Genetics and Complex Diseases
- Global Health and Population
- Health Policy and Management
- Immunology and Infectious Diseases
- Nutrition
- Social and Behavioral Sciences

Basic Qualifications

The Yerby Postdoctoral Fellowship Program seeks highly qualified candidates with established research interests. Of special interest are applicants who will contribute to academic diversity—e.g. those from groups historically underrepresented in U.S. health-related sciences (defined by the National Institutes of Health as American Indians or Alaska Natives, Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, and Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders) and others whose background will contribute to academic diversity, including individuals from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds. Candidates must have received (or be about to receive) a doctoral degree in a public health-related field.

Further details:

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