PROBIST is a post-doctoral fellowship Program lead by the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology. The fellowships will be implemented in top research centres in the Barcelona (Spain) area.
The participating centres are:
Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO,
Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ,
Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2,
Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE, for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona,
PROBIST applicants will have complete research freedom. Applicants may subscribe to one or several generic research topics published with the calls. Once pre-selected they may design their research project proposal with a research group of their choice in the participating BIST centres.
The topics for the first call are:
C1-01 Invention of new synthetic methods based on the catalytic use of electrophilic metal complexes of gold and other transition metals
C1-02 Organic photovoltaic devices and application of quantum dots
C1-03 Photomagnetic materials and bioinorganic models for energy applications
C1-04 Green approaches to catalysis for fine chemicals
C1-05 Atomistic simulation addressed to develop more rationalized heterogeneous catalysts
C1-06 Molecular artificial photosynthesis and the generation of solar fuels
C1-07 Visualizing interfacial fields in oxide interfaces by transmission electron microscopy
C1-08 Atomic Resolution Electron Microscopy: Analysis, 3D Atomic Modelling and Simulation of Energy Nanomaterials
C1-10 First Principles Theory and Simulations in Nanoscience
C1-11 Polymer-composites based on Graphene and related materials
C1-12 Physics and Engineering of Nanodevices
C1-13 Genome Data Science
C1-14 Glycogen accumulation and neurodegeneration
C1-15 Characterisation of Adult Progenitor Cells in Drosophila
C1-16 Chemical modifications of Nucleic Acids and human physiology
C1-18 Structural characterization of Macromolecular assemblies and research on asymmetric synthesis
C1-19 Cellular Plasticity and Disease
C1-20 Molecular modelling and Bioinformatics
C1-21 Asymmetric synthesis using chiral ligands
C1-22 Microtubules, genomic stability and disease
C1-23 2D Materials & paper-based nanobiosensors for diagnostics applications
C1-24 Observational Cosmology
C1-25 Gamma Ray Astrophysics
C1-26 Epigenetic regulation of chromatin functions
C1-27 Theory Group: Standard Model physics
C1-28 Neutrino oscillation experiment
C1-29 Molecular Biophysics / Asymmetric Synthesis
C1-30 Translational control of cell cycle and differentiation / Structural Bioinformatics and Network Biology
C1-32 Biomedical Optics & Biophysics
C1-33 Optical Sensing, Optoelectronics & Photovoltaics
C1-34 Nonlinear Optics, Ultrafast Optics & Attoscience
C1-35 NanoPhotonics & NanoMechanics
C1-36 Experimental Quantum Optics & Quantum Information
C1-37 Theoretical Nanophotonics, Quantum Optics & Quantum Information
Successful candidates will be hosted by the selected research group. They will have full access to facilities, seminars and training programmes of the BIST centres. Networking activities shall facilitate inter-centre and inter-disciplinary exchange and collaborations. PROBIST will offer fellows the opportunity to opt for secondments from a pool of international institutions with which BIST centres have institutional agreements or collaborations.
Further details: