Cedefop is the Agency of the European Union to promote the development of vocational education and training (VET) in the European Union. Cedefop is a forum for policy analysis and research and is a recognised partner in the policy and scientific debates on VET related issues.
Operating at the interface between education and training and the labour market, Cedefop’s strategic objective is to enhance European cooperation in VET through evidence and expertise. Cedefop provides advice, research, analysis, information and promotes European cooperation and mutual learning.
Cedefop works closely with the European Commission, EU Member States, representatives of employers and trade unions, as well as with researchers and practitioners. The agency has a tripartite governing board composed of governments, employee and employers representatives as well as the European Commission.
To be considered eligible, applicants must satisfy all the following requirements on the closing date for submission of applications:
General conditions
- be a citizen of one of the Member States of the European Union;
- enjoy full rights as a citizen;
- have fulfilled any obligations imposed by the laws on military service;
- be physically fit to perform the duties relating to the post.
- have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies (8) attested by a diploma, and at least 15 years proven full-time equivalent professional experience (9) after having obtained the university degree, when the normal period of university education is 4 years or more;
- have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies (8) attested by a diploma, and at least 16 years proven full-time equivalent professional experience (9) after having obtained the university degree, when the normal period of university education is 3 years.
Language skills
Have a thorough knowledge of one of the languages of the European Union and a satisfactory knowledge of another language of the European Union (10).
Non-compliance with any of these eligibility criteria will result in the exclusion of the candidate from the selection process and the application will not be further evaluated.
Further details: