Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA) has launched the 2nd call for Post-Doctoral Research Applications.
The aim is to attract post-doctoral researchers that would contribute to development of excellent research at ViA in accordance with the strategic goals of the university. The Post-Doctoral Research Aid provides an opportunity for young researchers to develop their skills and increase their scientific capacity as well as start a career in a scientific institution.
Eligibility criteria:
A PhD acquired after December 15th 2012;
A research project proposal:
contributing to achievement of the Smart Specialization Strategy of Latvia;
complying with the research direction of ViA Digital solutions for solving social challenges, and one of its subdirections:
Smart technologies and eco-buildings in the national economy
Virtual reality technologies and visualization
E-learning technologies and management
Socio-technical systems modelling technologies
Sustainable national economy and knowledge society
Communication ecosystem and technologies
Further details: