Call for Researchers to Author a Study on the Contribution of Research Produced by Albanian Think Tanks on Policy Development
The ability of think tanks to engage and contribute through research projects to the improvement of domestic policies and regulatory frameworks is essential for ensuring long-term sustainability of reform processes. However, the related effectiveness is determined by different factors such as think tanks’ capabilities, fundraising opportunities, access to policy making, relationship with public outlets such as national media, etc.
In this framework, PERFORM is seeking to contract a local and an international experienced researcher to undertake a comprehensive assessment study on the current situation of think tanks in Albania. The study should investigate the typology(s) of existing think tanks at the domestic level, as well as assess their activity and impact in the national policy- and decision-making processes. In particular, the study should explore potential paths for integrating the results of conducted research by the think tanks within the domestic policy-making system.
Deadline Application: 15-10-2017
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