Self-Development - Core For Professional Growth, Training Course
4-10 March 2018 | Rāmava Manor, Latvia
Aim of the training course is to stimulate professional growth of youth workers by boosting their motivation and self-development skills.
WHAT is training about?
The 5-day training course is a journey of discovery how self-development affects our professional career. It will show how knowing clearly the answer of a single 'Why' is much more important than hundreds of 'How'. Dive into self-development and learn how to support your target group during the journey.
HOW WORTH it is?
It will depend on you. On your willingness to dive deep. If you will allow, we will carefully lead you through the process of discovery, rediscovery and transformation, which will help in your personal and professional life, so you can pass your skills to youth target group.
WHO has to attend?
Youth workers constantly developing themselves, not afraid of challenge. The ones, providing mentoring, support, advises to others, in particular - youth workers, youth leaders, mentors, trainers, searching for more clarity in their professional life and work in the youth field.
WHY it is unique?
Leave your old ''you'' behind the doors you enter. Step out of your comfort zone. Four approaches will help you to do that: theoretical grounding, individual analysis and reflection, group work and physical challenge. Combination of those will help you to learn by live experience.
You have several options how to finance:
a) Ask your employer to pay for the training;
b) Pay by yourself;
c) Apply for Erasmus KA1 individual mobility and get it 100% for free (contact us and we will help with application process);
d) Apply for some other grant to cover some or all of the costs.
It does not matter how slow you go as long as direction is right. You are here to discover and help youth to find out how self-development helps to choose, re-define and keep them satisfied with their professional path.
P.S. The Training Course will be repeated - it will be held in March, May, June and August of 2018, so if you cannot attend this time, do not worry - you have the opportunity to apply next time!
Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες - Κόστος συμμετοχής - Εγγραφές: