We are pleased to announce this year’s Fall Call for the FMI International PhD Program.
The Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, affiliated with the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research and the University of Basel, operates at the interface between academic research and biomedical applications. Hence, our students not only acquire fundamental research skills, using cutting-edge approaches, but also learn to consider the biomedical applications of their discoveries.
The FMI International PhD Program offers advanced, interdisciplinary training in epigenetics, neurobiology, and quantitative biology on a wide variety of topics.
PhD students admitted to the program pursue research projects developed together with their Group leader, with outstanding support from the FMI technology platforms in, for example, imaging, genomics or bioinformatics. Numerous theoretical and practical training programs are available both at the FMI and at the University of Basel, and the Basel/Zurich life science community provides exceptional local opportunities for further scientific interactions.
Our PhD students receive generous fellowships, with social benefits.
Further details:
PhD Positions, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Germany (2018)