The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) at the University of Basel invites highly motivated scientists to apply for the SNI PhD program in Nanoscience. The seven successful PhD candidates will join an attractive interdisciplinary programme together with the 40 currently supported scientists. The available positions cover a wide variety of topics, including cutting edge quantum physics and chemistry, material science, nanotechnology, biochemistry and cell biology.
The positions (your position):
The following projects are available:
- Quantum sensing of nanomechanical systems, supervised by Profs. Maletinsky and Treutlein (Uni Basel).
- Nano-photonics with van der Waals heterostructures, supervised by Profs. Warburton and Zardo (Uni Basel).
- Van der Waals 2D semiconductor nanostructures with superconducting contacts, supervised by Dr. Baumgartner and Prof. Schönenberger (Uni Basel).
- Ultrasensitive Force Microscopy and Cavity Optomechanics using Nanowire Cantilevers, supervised by Prof. Poggio and Dr. Braakman (Uni Basel).
- Genetic selection of nanocatalysts, supervised by Profs. Panke (ETHZ in Basel) and Ward (Uni Basel).
- Evolving Protease Enzymes with New Sequence Specificity using Peptide-Hydrogel Cell Encapsulation, supervised by Profs. Nash (Uni Basel) and Reddy (ETHZ in Basel)
- Single organelle size sorting by a nanofluidic device, supervised by Dr. Ekinci (PSI) and Prof. Stahlberg (Uni Basel).
Requirements (your profile):
We are looking for very motivated researchers with a Master's degree in Natural Sciences, ideally in a topic relevant for the respective project. All projects require the abilities to work independently, interact with other researchers, presentation skills, and a solid basis in scientific research.
Further details:
7 PhD Positions, University of Basel, Switzerland (2018)