ERC Advanced Grant on "The Physics of Fluids group works on a variety of aspects in Fluid Mechanics. The focus of our work is the fundamental understanding the phenomena of the physics of fluids. Present research areas include turbulence and multiphase flow, micro- and nanofluidics, biomedical flow, and granular flow. Both fundamental science and more applied science – then often in close collaboration with industrial partners - is done in the group and both experimental, theoretical, and numerical methods are used. The group presently has 6 scientific staff members, 5 part-time professors, 4 supporting technicians, and typically 10 postdocs, 35 PhD students, and 10–15 master students.
Our research is embedded in the Max Planck Center Twente for Complex Fluid Dynamics and the J.M. Burgers Research Center for Fluid Mechanics (JMBC) and in the MESA+ and MIRA Institutes in Twente. The group receives external research funds from e.g. ERC, NWO, EU, and several industrial partners.
The open positions include:
- 2 PhD positions for experiments on surface and bulk droplets, applying various optical imaging techniques
- 1 PhD position for large-scale experiments on dispersed multiphase flow
- 1 PhD position for numerical simulations employing finite difference methods and immersed boundary methods
- 1 PhD position for numerical simulations employing Molecular Dynamics and Volume of Fluid methods.
3 Postdoc positions for applying optical techniques, in particular confocal, fluorescence, digital holographic microscopy, high-speed imaging, AFM, and synchrotron tomography.
You hold a master degree in physics, fluid mechanics, mechanical or chemical engineering or applied mathematics.
You have good expertise in one or more of the following research areas: physics, fluid mechanics, mechanical or chemical engineering.
You are driven to do good research in the area of the project.
You are fluent in English.
Further details:
5 PhD & 3 Postdoctoral Positions, University of Twente, Netherlands (2018)