BIOTRAIL is a novel initiative supported by the Aix Marseille University foundation A*MIDEX. It implements the existing Master’s and PhD training program in life sciences, with innovative initiatives opened to international activities. The goal is to provide an excellent scientific environment and career development opportunities enabling to attract highly motivated students worldwide.
The program gathers several research centres and the research network Labex INFORM located on the Luminy campus in Marseille. The program activities focus on the following disciplines, stemming from the scientific distinction of the participating institutions:
• Immunology at the Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille Luminy CIML
• Cell and Developmental biology at the Institut de Biologie du developpement de Marseille
• Neurobiology and Cell biology at the Institut de Neurobiologie de la Mediterrane INMED
• Quantitative Biology and Biophysics from the interdisciplinary network LABEX INFORM
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