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Visiting Research Fellowships, University of Cambridge, UK (2018)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Ιανουάριος 15, 2018

With generous support from the AG Leventis Foundation, the Centre for African Studies is able to appoint one six months visiting research fellowship, open to suitably qualified applicants from disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.

The aim of the fellowships is to enable the visiting academic to spend six months calendar months between October and March focusing on their research and writing, whilst based at the Centre for African Studies in Cambridge.

- Applications are invited from candidates in all the disciplines in the humanities and social sciences;
- Applicants are expected to have completed a doctoral degree before the Fellowship start date;
- Preference will be given to candidates with a distinguished research profile commensurate with their academic rank;
- Early- to mid-career researchers are particularly encouraged to apply. Offers are normally made to applicants who are permanent residents in Africa;
- It is expected that applicants would be intending to come to Cambridge to work on a project building on existing research for which a period of residence in Cambridge is demonstrably appropriate;
- They should present a clear and feasible plan for preparing one or more pieces of work for publication.

- The award is worth up to GBP 17,000, out of which travel, college accommodation, maintenance costs, and medical insurance will be paid by the Centre on behalf of the fellow.
- The Centre is not able to provide additional sums for the travel and living expenses of anyone accompanying the Fellow to Cambridge.
- The sum is not subject to tax in the UK.

Further details:
Visiting Research Fellowships, University of Cambridge, UK (2018)

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