Institut Curie is recruiting 12 PhD students through its international program called IC-3i PhD Program. This program, part funded by the European Commission’s MSCA COFUND scheme, provides PhD students with a 3-year doctoral contract, a high level interdisciplinary, inter-sectorial, and international training with dedicated career development plans, secondments and mentoring.
PhD research projects in life sciences cover Institut Curie’s main research domains:
✓ Biology & Chemistry of Radiations, Cell Signaling & Cancer
✓ Development, Cancer, Genetics & Epigenetics
✓ Integrative Tumour Biology, Immunology & Environment
✓ Multiscale Physics-Biology-Chemistry & Cancer
Institut Curie brings together a world-class multidisciplinary cancer research center and a model hospital group in Paris and surroundings. By embracing cross-disciplinary approaches, it drives the discovery of more effective treatments and leads to improved patient care.
Further details:
12 PhD Positions, Institut Curie, France (2018)