European HPC Summit Week 2018 in Ljubljana will gather main HPC stakeholders in Europe.
Similar to previous years also this edition will offer a wide variety of workshops covering a number of application areas where supercomputers are key, as well as HPC technologies and infrastructures.
European HPC Summit Week also offers a great opportunity to network with all relevant European HPC stakeholders, from technology suppliers and HPC infrastructures to scientific and industrial HPC users in Euro
Do you want to participate in the European HPC Summit Week 2018 with a workshop? Following the success of previous editions, EXDCI is pleased to announce an open call for workshops for HPC stakeholders (institutions, service providers, users, communities, vendors and consultants) to shape and contribute to the European HPC Summit Week 2018 (EHPCSW18), that will take place from 28 May to 1 June in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The call for workshops is open now until 18th December 2017!
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