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5 PhD Scholarships, Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes", Kiel University, Germany (2018)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Δεκέμβριος 31, 2017

The Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes” at Kiel University, Germany ( offers a unique research environment positioned at the interface of the Humanities, the Natural and the Social Sciences.

Research at the Graduate School addresses interactions between physical and social landscapes in past worlds, and examines how past landscapes serve as a dynamic arena that catalyzes human activity in space and time. In particular, the Graduate School focuses on the role of environment, social relationships, material culture, subsistence, population dynamics, and human perceptions in promoting change in ancient societies and landscapes. The Graduate School addresses this interaction at multiple timescales and seeks scholars who are developing novel ways to approach some of the recent challenges by using their research on ancient worlds. Some of these challenges include, but certainly are not limited to, the emergence of social differentiation, mobility in societies, the early spread of disease, the impact of new technologies on past societies, and ideologies/ human perceptions of and responses to past environmental, climate, and social change. The Graduate School actively encourages applicants from diverse disciplinary backgrounds and welcomes the development of extensive theoretical frameworks to support the empirical/applied work.
The Graduate School has been granted funding by the German Excellence Initiative. Its sustainable development is ensured by the Johanna Mestorf Academy as a central institution of Kiel University.

We invite applications for: 5 PhD scholarships (to begin as soon as possible).

Further details:
5 PhD Scholarships, Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes", Kiel University, Germany (2018)

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