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Mozilla Creative Media Grants, 2018

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Δεκέμβριος 31, 2017

As part of its Creative Media Grants program, Mozilla is funding art about online privacy and security, and accepts submissions for 2018.

Mozilla is seeking artists, media producers, and storytellers who share that belief — and who use their art to make a difference in raising awareness about surveillance, tracking, and hacking.

The Mozilla Creative Media Grants program awards grants ranging from $10,000 to $35,000 for films, apps, storytelling and other forms of media that explore topics like mass surveillance and the erosion of online privacy.

Here is what Mozilla is looking for, as described on their blog:

We seek to support producers creating work on the web, about the web, and for a broad public. Producers should share Mozilla’s concern that the private communications of internet citizens are increasingly being monitored and monetized by state and corporate actors.

As we move to an era of ubiquitous and connected digital technology, Mozilla sees a vital role for media produced in the public interest that advocates for Internet citizens being informed, empowered and in control of their digital lives.

Imagine: An open-source browser extension that reveals how much Facebook really knows about you. Or artwork and journalism that examine how women’s personal data is tracked and commodified online.

The audiences for the submitted work should be primarily in Europe and Latin America. However, producers​ from all parts of the world are eligible to submit applications and seek funding.

Mozilla encourage​s applications​ from​ producers​ at​ any​ stage​ of​ their​ career,​ producing​ in any format that​ is​ available​ on​ the​ web.

Further details:
Mozilla Creative Media Grants, 2018


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