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Monash Warwick Alliance Joint PhD Scholarships, University of Warwick, UK (2018)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Παρασκευή, Ιανουάριος 19, 2018

The Monash Warwick Alliance Scholarships (Warwick) are allocated annually via a postgraduate research scholarship competition and are open to all students in any discipline applying to Warwick for the Alliance Joint PhD.

The Monash Warwick Alliance is an innovative partnership with a breadth, scale and impact beyond standard practice in the sector. The Alliance joint PhD is part of our commitment to developing a successor generation of internationally experienced young researchers.

Find out more information about the Monash Warwick Alliance.

Award Details

For 2018/19 entry there will be 3 scholarships available to be awarded to the most outstanding PhD applicants. Awards made for entry in Autumn 2018 will include the following:
- The full payment of fees (worth up to £21,770 at 18/19 rates)
- A maintenance stipend in line with RCUK rates for the two years spent at Warwick (provisional £14,800 for full time award holder in 2018/19), and in line with Australian government rates for the year spent at Monash*
- Travel allowance of £2000 during the lifetime of the PhD
- Length of funding: 3 years

*Please note these are provisional predicted figures and are subject to change.

Applicants for a Monash Warwick Alliance (Warwick) Scholarship must also be applying to Warwick for a Monash Warwick Joint PhD to begin in Autumn 2018. Students currently enrolled on a PhD or MPhil/PhD at the University of Warwick will not be eligible to apply.

Further details:
Monash Warwick Alliance Joint PhD Scholarships, University of Warwick, UK (2018)

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