TECNIOspring PLUS, ACCIÓ's fellowship programme, provides financial support to individual mobility proposals presented by experienced researchers in liaison with a host entity. Fellows are offered 2-year employment contracts in order to develop applied research projects at the host entity of their choice.
TECNIOspring PLUS is an international mobility fellowship programme that offers experienced researchers the possibility to develop their research career in any R&D entity around the world.
Participants: entities and researchers
TECNIOspring PLUS proposals are submitted by a Catalan host entity, together with an experienced researcher.
Catalan host organisations may be companies located in Catalonia with 4 or more employees, or TECNIO entities accredited by the Government of Catalonia through ACCIÓ.
Experienced researchers are researchers of any nationality that have a PhD or four to eight years of full-time equivalent research experience. Researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in 3 years immediately prior to the deadline for the submission of applications. Exceptions will be made for candidates with justified career breaks.
The programme offers experienced researchers two types of fellowships:
Incoming: 2-year contract in a Catalan company or a TECNIO entity
Outgoing + return: 1-year contract in a research/technology centre or R&D department of a company located outside Spain, and 1-year contract in a Catalan company or a TECNIO entity afterwards.
Further details:
TECNIOspring PLUS Fellowship Programme, Spain (2018)