The Behavioural Science Institute (BSI) Graduate School offers talented Master’s students the opportunity to become PhD candidates in Behavioural Science. Please write a short research proposal about a topic of your choice that has a good fit with research conducted at the BSI. Your proposal should describe a study that you would like to conduct. We encourage multidisciplinary research that crosses the boundaries of our BSI research programmes. Your proposal serves two goals: it is an opportunity to propose new and original research, and it is a demonstration of your current research competencies. If you are selected, your actual project may be your proposal or may differ from your proposal. This will be determined together with your supervisors.
The BSI is a multidisciplinary behavioural research institute. Our researchers collaborate across the boundaries of psychology, educational science, and communication science. The BSI has seven research programmes covering three major research themes: 1) development and learning, 2) psychopathology, health and well-being, and 3) social processes and communication. Both fundamental research and applied/translational research are conducted. For more information, please visit our website.
You must have a Master’s degree (e.g. a Research Master’s degree in Behavioural Science, Psychology, Educational Science, or Communication Science) as well as excellent research, methodological and statistical skills.
Further details:
7 PhD Positions, Radboud University, Netherlands (2018)