The Institute of Advanced Study is one of Durham University’s flagship interdisciplinary research institutes, providing a central forum for debate and collaboration across the entire disciplinary spectrum. It seeks to catalyse new ideas by bringing together world-leading researchers from all disciplines to work with Durham colleagues on collaborative projects of major intellectual, scientific, political and practical significance. Through dialogue and collaboration across disciplinary boundaries, its aim is to foster creative and collaborative interdisciplinary research which sparks new investigations, set tomorrow's agenda and leaves a legacy of embedded research projects in Durham.
Applications are now invited for Fellowships (October-December 2019 and January-March 2020). Applicants may be from any academic discipline or professional background involving research, and they may come from anywhere in the world. IAS Fellowships include an honorarium, and funds for travel, accommodation, and costs associated with replacement teaching or loss of salary (where appropriate).
For further particulars and the full application process please click on the "Go to application page" button.
Only full and complete applications will be considered. Informal enquiries with the Directors of the Institute can be made via Linda Crowe, the IAS administrator (Tel: +44 (0) 191 3344686 or email Closing date for applications is 08 June 2018.