ELAINE focuses on novel electrically active implants - specifically implants employed for the regeneration of bone and cartilage, and implants for deep brain stimulation to treat movement disorders. Central research objectives are: (i) to establish innovative energy autonomous implants that allow a feedback-controlled electrical stimulation, (ii) efficient multi-scale simulation models to enable rapid progress in targeted implant improvements and patient-specific therapies, (ii) to analyse the basic mechanisms of electrical stimulation in bone, cartilage and brain, and to translate this knowledge into clinical practice. For this purpose, scientists from the fields of electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, material science, physics, biology, and medicine will work together in an interdisciplinary manner. As a unique characteristic, our interdisciplinary consortium enables a scientifically sound validation of newly derived theoretical models, computational methods and technical solutions through experiments in both engineering and the life sciences.
Doctoral researcher candidates will be members of ELAINE’s Integrated Research Training Group and profit from a number of qualification measures.
The CRC will start on July 1, 2017 and run until June 2021. The positions shall be filled as early as possible and will run until the end of the project.
ELAINE projects
- A01 – ‘Domain-specific languages for developing multi-scale, spatio-temporal biochemical models and their application’ - 1 Doctoral researcher position – University of Rostock - (position filled)
- A02 - ‘Multi-scale models for studies on electrically active implants in due consideration of uncertainties in the input data’ – 1 Post Doc-, 2 Doctoral researcher positions – University of Rostock (position filled)
- A03 – ‘Material surface charges and their influence on cell physiology and morphology’ – 2 Doctoral researcher positions – Rostock University Medical Centre and University of Rostock (position filled)
- A04 – ‘Electrically conductive multilayers for implant surfaces’ - 1 Doctoral researcher position - Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald (position filled)
- A05 – 'Dielectric characterisation of cells, tissue and materials' – 1 Doctoral researcher position – University of Rostock
- B02 - ‘Transformation of mechanical energy as internal energy source for electrically active implants’ - 1 Doctoral researcher position - University of Rostock (position filled)
- B03 – ‘Energy-autonomous platform for electrical stimulation implants’ – 1 Doctoral researcher position - University of Rostock
- B05 – ‘Assessment of the mechanical reliability of porous and functionally graded implant structures by local damage approach’ - 1 Doctoral researcher position - University of Rostock (position filled)
- C01 - Rostock University Medical Centre – ‘Electrical stimulation of osseoinduction using alloplastic reconstruction plates after mandibular segmental resection’ – 1 Doctoral researcher position - Rostock University Medical Centre (position filled)
- C02 – ‘Electrical and mechanical stimulation of hyaline cartilage: Characterisation of biological response and stimulation parameters’ – 1 … Rostock University Medical Centre, 1 Post Doc, University of Rostock (position filled)
- C03 – ‘Deep brain stimulation in dystonia models: Biological implementation, approximation of stimulation parameters and analysis of mechanisms’ – 1 Post Doc position, Rostock University Medical Centre, 1 Doctoral researcher position, University of Leipzig (position filled)
- C04 - ‘Effects of deep brain stimulation on adult neurogenesis in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease: Mechanisms of action, stimulation parameters and correlation with behaviour’– 1 Post Doc-, 1 doctoral researcher position – Rostock University Medical Centre (position filled)
- IRTG - ‘Integrated Research Training Group’ 3 Short-term Research Fellowships, CRC wide (position filled)
- INF - ‘Infrastructure Support Project’ – 1 Post Doc position, University of Rostock (position filled)