On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the IEEE – 13th System of Systems Engineering Conference, it is a great honor and pleasure to welcome you in Paris.
SoSE 2018 has vast ramifications in numerous engineering fields such as system management and engineering, control, multi-scale and multi-physics system modeling, risk analysis, safety, security, resilience, decision-making, interaction with humans, cooperation and coordination in competitive multi-systems, and in applications such as transportation, critical infrastructures, manufacturing, healthcare, environment, cyber-physical systems, defense, aerospace.
The 2018 conference theme is “Systems of systems Management and Control: Frontiers between cyber, physical, and social systems”.
The program includes plenary sessions, panel sessions, regular and poster sessions, and exhibitions. The fourth day focuses on ongoing projects, research priorities and innovation strategies at European level in systems of systems engineering.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication in a special issue of the journal Systems Engineering.
Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες - Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής: sosengineering.org