Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.
{"title":"","description":"Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.","version":"0.64.2"}
Επιστήμες Μηχανικών (16 θέσεις)
1 |
Postdoc position in 3D terahertz tomographic image reconstruction (f/m) : Antwerp, Belgium |
Universiteit Antwerpen |
Belgium |
DeadLine : 2018-07-28 |
2 |
Research Fellow in Precision Spectroscopy |
University of Sussex |
Brighton, United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 8 June 2018 |
3 |
Research Fellow in Quantum Networking |
University of Sussex |
Brighton, United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 8 June 2018 |
4 |
Research Fellow in the Commercialisation of Quantum Technology |
University of Sussex |
Brighton, United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 19 June 2018 |
5 |
PhD student Chemistry of sustainable processes |
Hasselt University |
Diepenbeek, Belgium |
DeadLine : Jun 13 |
6 |
PhD position: Inkjet printing (experiments, numeric, theory) |
Holland, Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-09-30 |
7 |
PDEng trainee - Intelligent solar shading control |
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) |
Holland, Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-18 |
8 |
KU Leuven |
Leuven, Belgium |
DeadLine : Aug 28 |
9 |
PhD position in High throughput Biomaterials Screening in Ophthalmology |
Maastricht University |
Maastricht, Netherlands |
10 |
1 PhD student position available for “Image analysis of cardiac development in the mouse” |
Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) |
Madrid, Spain |
11 |
PhD student Logistics |
Hasselt University |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-22T22:00:00+00:00 |
12 |
Postdoc 'Deep learning in digital Pathology' |
Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-19T22:00:00+00:00 |
13 |
PhD candidate 'Deep learning in digital pathology' |
Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-19T22:00:00+00:00 |
14 |
Postdoc in Operations Optimization in Smart Farming |
Aarhus University |
Tjele, Denmark |
DeadLine : 19 June 2018 |
15 |
Postdoctoral Fellow: Center For Communicable Disease Dynamics Flexible Topic |
Harvard University |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 2018-06-28 |
16 |
Postdoctoral Position in Innovative and Industrial Construction |
ETH Zurich |
Zürich, Switzerland |
Επιστήμες Πληροφορικής (7 θέσεις)
1 |
Postdoc position in 3D terahertz tomographic image reconstruction (f/m) : Antwerp, Belgium |
Universiteit Antwerpen |
Belgium |
DeadLine : 2018-07-28 |
2 |
Research Fellow in the Commercialisation of Quantum Technology |
University of Sussex |
Brighton, United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 19 June 2018 |
3 |
1 PhD student position available for “Image analysis of cardiac development in the mouse” |
Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) |
Madrid, Spain |
4 |
PhD candidate 'Deep learning in digital pathology' |
Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-19T22:00:00+00:00 |
5 |
Postdoc 'Deep learning in digital Pathology' |
Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-19T22:00:00+00:00 |
6 |
PhD student Logistics |
Hasselt University |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-22T22:00:00+00:00 |
7 |
Postdoctoral Fellow: Center For Communicable Disease Dynamics Flexible Topic |
Harvard University |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 2018-06-28 |
Οικονομικές Επιστήμες (5 θέσεις)
1 |
Post-doc position 'Urban Health Economics' |
Wageningen University & Research |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-15T22:00:00+00:00 |
2 |
PhD student Logistics |
Hasselt University |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-22T22:00:00+00:00 |
3 |
Post-doctoral fellow at the HEG, Economics and Management Department, |
University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland |
Switzerland |
DeadLine : September 30, 2018 |
4 |
Collaborateur-trice scientifique HES (Post-doctorant-e) |
University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland |
Switzerland |
DeadLine : 30 September 2018 |
5 |
Postdoctoral Position in Innovative and Industrial Construction |
ETH Zurich |
Zürich, Switzerland |
Επιστήμες Υγείας (2 θέσεις)
1 |
PhD-candidate, FHML/NUTRIM - Department of Human Biology and Department of Microbiology |
Maastricht University (UM) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-17T22:00:00+00:00 |
2 |
Postdoctoral Research Associate I - Division of Hematology Oncology |
The University of Arizona |
Tucson, United States |
Επιστήμες Ζωής (17 θέσεις)
1 |
Post-Doc Position Bioorganic Chemistry/Biocatalysis |
Austrian Research Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (ACIB) |
Austria |
DeadLine : 2018-07-30 |
2 |
Postdoctoral Position in cancer metabolism and immunology |
University of Basel |
Basel, Switzerland |
3 |
Postdoctoral Position in Tumor Immunology and Metastasis |
VIB Center for the Biology of Disease, K.U.Leuven, |
Belgium |
DeadLine : 2018-08-21 |
4 |
PhD student Chemistry of sustainable processes |
Hasselt University |
Diepenbeek, Belgium |
DeadLine : Jun 13 |
5 |
Postdoc to Study the Crosstalk Between Microbiota, Immunity and Physiology |
Institut Pasteur |
France |
DeadLine : 2018-06-30 |
6 |
Junior Post-doc Position - Study of Genetic/Epigenetic Regulation During Male Germ Cell Differentiation |
Institut Cochin |
France |
DeadLine : 2018-06-30 |
7 |
2-year post doctoral position in genomics- Evry- France |
CNRGH, CEA/ Genopole |
France |
DeadLine : 18 June 2018 |
8 |
Post-doctoral Position: Molecular Epidemiology of Mosquito-borne Viral Outbreaks |
Institut Pasteur |
France |
DeadLine : 2018-06-30 |
9 |
Post-doctoral fellow; Structural biologist |
University of Geneva |
Genève, Switzerland |
10 |
University of Helsinki |
Helsinki, Finland |
DeadLine : Jun 25 |
11 |
PhD candidate 'TOP project Molecular mechanism and regulation of energy conversion by mitochondrial complex I' |
Radboud University Medical Centre (Radboudumc) |
Holland, Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-15 |
12 |
PhD position in High throughput Biomaterials Screening in Ophthalmology |
Maastricht University |
Maastricht, Netherlands |
13 |
PhD-candidate, FHML/NUTRIM - Department of Human Biology and Department of Microbiology |
Maastricht University (UM) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-17T22:00:00+00:00 |
14 |
PhD student |
Erasmus MC (University Medical Center Rotterdam) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-12T22:00:00+00:00 |
15 |
Postdoctoral Position |
Cabimer - Department of Molecular Biology |
Spain |
DeadLine : 2018-06-30 |
16 |
Postdoctoral Research Associate I - Division of Hematology Oncology |
The University of Arizona |
Tucson, United States |
17 |
Postdoc position on autophagy and vacuolar transport in plants |
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - SLU |
Uppsala, Sweden |
DeadLine : Jun 22 |
Θετικές Επιστήμες (23 θέσεις)
1 |
Post-Doc Position Bioorganic Chemistry/Biocatalysis |
Austrian Research Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (ACIB) |
Austria |
DeadLine : 2018-07-30 |
2 |
Postdoc position in 3D terahertz tomographic image reconstruction (f/m) : Antwerp, Belgium |
Universiteit Antwerpen |
Belgium |
DeadLine : 2018-07-28 |
3 |
Research Fellow in Precision Spectroscopy |
University of Sussex |
Brighton, United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 8 June 2018 |
4 |
Research Fellow in Quantum Networking |
University of Sussex |
Brighton, United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 8 June 2018 |
5 |
PhD student Chemistry of sustainable processes |
Hasselt University |
Diepenbeek, Belgium |
DeadLine : Jun 13 |
6 |
PhD student in ultra-trace analysis of halogenated greenhouse gases |
Empa |
Dübendorf, Switzerland |
7 |
Post-doctoral Position: Molecular Epidemiology of Mosquito-borne Viral Outbreaks |
Institut Pasteur |
France |
DeadLine : 2018-06-30 |
8 |
Junior Post-doc Position - Study of Genetic/Epigenetic Regulation During Male Germ Cell Differentiation |
Institut Cochin |
France |
DeadLine : 2018-06-30 |
9 |
Post-doctoral fellow; Structural biologist |
University of Geneva |
Genève, Switzerland |
10 |
University of Helsinki |
Helsinki, Finland |
DeadLine : Jun 25 |
11 |
PhD position: Inkjet printing (experiments, numeric, theory) |
Holland, Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-09-30 |
12 |
PhD candidate 'TOP project Molecular mechanism and regulation of energy conversion by mitochondrial complex I' |
Radboud University Medical Centre (Radboudumc) |
Holland, Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-15 |
13 |
PhD position in diffusion MRI tractography |
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) |
Holland, Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-08-25 |
14 |
KU Leuven |
Leuven, Belgium |
DeadLine : Aug 28 |
15 |
PhD position in High throughput Biomaterials Screening in Ophthalmology |
Maastricht University |
Maastricht, Netherlands |
16 |
1 PhD student position available for “Image analysis of cardiac development in the mouse” |
Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) |
Madrid, Spain |
17 |
Postdoc 'Deep learning in digital Pathology' |
Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-19T22:00:00+00:00 |
18 |
PhD candidate 'Deep learning in digital pathology' |
Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-19T22:00:00+00:00 |
19 |
Post-doctoral Fellowship in Geometry and Foliations |
São Paulo Research Foundation – FAPESP |
São Paulo, Brazil |
DeadLine : 06/29/2018 |
20 |
Research Fellow - Institute of Photonic Technologies |
Aston University |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 2018-06-18 |
21 |
NIHR Research Methods Training Fellow in Medical Statistics and Evidence Synthesis |
University of Bristol |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 28 Jun 2018 |
22 |
Postdoc position on autophagy and vacuolar transport in plants |
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - SLU |
Uppsala, Sweden |
DeadLine : Jun 22 |
23 |
Postdoctoral Position in Innovative and Industrial Construction |
ETH Zurich |
Zürich, Switzerland |
Ανθρωπιστικές Επιστήμες (2 θέσεις)
1 |
Post-doc in Luxembourgish Literature |
University of Luxembourg |
Luxembourg, Luxembourg |
DeadLine : Jun 09 |
2 |
Post Doctoral Research Fellowship - Centre for Employment Relations Innovation and Change |
University of Leeds |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 27 Jun 2018 |
Ιατρική Επιστήμη (5 θέσεις)
1 |
PhD candidate 'TOP project Molecular mechanism and regulation of energy conversion by mitochondrial complex I' |
Radboud University Medical Centre (Radboudumc) |
Holland, Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-15 |
2 |
PhD position in High throughput Biomaterials Screening in Ophthalmology |
Maastricht University |
Maastricht, Netherlands |
3 |
PhD student |
Erasmus MC (University Medical Center Rotterdam) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-12T22:00:00+00:00 |
4 |
PhD-candidate, FHML/NUTRIM - Department of Human Biology and Department of Microbiology |
Maastricht University (UM) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-17T22:00:00+00:00 |
5 |
Postdoctoral Research Associate I - Division of Hematology Oncology |
The University of Arizona |
Tucson, United States |
Επιστήμες Διοίκησης (5 θέσεις)
1 |
PhD student Logistics |
Hasselt University |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2018-06-22T22:00:00+00:00 |
2 |
Post-doctoral fellow at the HEG, Economics and Management Department, |
University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland |
Switzerland |
DeadLine : September 30, 2018 |
3 |
Collaborateur-trice scientifique HES (Post-doctorant-e) |
University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland |
Switzerland |
DeadLine : 30 September 2018 |
4 |
Post Doctoral Research Fellowship - Centre for Employment Relations Innovation and Change |
University of Leeds |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 27 Jun 2018 |
5 |
Postdoctoral Position in Innovative and Industrial Construction |
ETH Zurich |
Zürich, Switzerland |